This green floral dress used to be a pair of my Nan's old and faded curtains! But the finished dress is so pretty I doubt you'd think "curtain" looking at her in it. The pictures were taken on a gloriously sunny Autumn afternoon. I love days like this.
After taking these photos, I was concerned about those drag lines on the front of the bodice. So I have very simply let out the elastic at the back of the dress by just over an inch and problem solved, drag lines gone, phew! Funny how you don't always "see" things until you photograph them.
On this version I have added a band of green ribbon at the hem, topped by a line of purple ric-rac. This embellishment though simple makes me positively giddy, it looks so fabulous. I also decorated the top of the pockets with ric-rac too. Too cute.
This is her other pinny, and it started life as an adult's soft chambray skirt. I had to include the skirt's central seam in the dress in order to fit all the pattern pieces on while still following the grainline.
She loves this version as it is so soft. It's not showing well in this photo, but I did all my topstitching in orange thread. I thought it went nicely with the blue.
The hem and the pockets tops I embellished with the cutest scallop stitch. It's a small detail but it makes the dress really special.
Baby girl particularly loves the pockets, and they are roomy enough for lots of toys! She's such a good model too - very keen to swirl and pose.
With these two dresses plus the earlier strawberry one, it makes it six buttonholes under my belt with this pattern. I've stopped being so scared of them at last. Might be time for me to tackle a blouse soon: I just need to decide on the pattern.
I've loved sewing all three of these. They have really been fun to do. Its especially satisfying when they are loved by the recipient too!